Business Brain

Software Company that offer solutions and business aids for variety of industry

Our Services

We Provide a wide range of services through flexible options that suit your business


Provide a wide range of services in both software development and erpsystems



Provide a wide range of inftrastructure services and network solution



Analysis and implementation

Allow you to facilitate and structure ERP implementation processes through the definition of methodologies, methods, models or processes that describe the most important phases and activities of it

General Ledger (GL) and Account ing

recomend optimal chart of accountsthat suits business needs that allow you to track all financial transactionsand isused to generate the company's financial statements, including the Income Statement and BalanceSheet.

Customer relationship management (CRM)

With help of CRM you can have complete, accurate, centrally held information about clients and prospects, salesand marketing can focus their attention and energy on the right clients.

Sales and marketing.

Allow you to focuson salespersonnel and the salesorganization. The main focus isdirect, person-to-person contact with customers.

Inventory and warehouses management.

You can use Inventory management for inbound and outbound operations, quality assurance, warehouse activities, and inventory control

Retail Solutions and POS software and hardware

With help of CRM you can have complete, accurate, centrally held information about clients and prospects, salesand marketing can focus their attention and energy on the right clients.

- Insights and dashboards

A BI dashboard isan easy-to-understand, visualised summary of data analysisthat provides an at-a-glanceoverview of multiple areasof the business.

About Us

Why choose Us

We act as a technical&business analysis arm for your projects, Lifting the heavy weight challenges while allowing your executives to focus on the core functions .

We have large flexible support packages allow our client to operate in a hustle-free Environment saving time and effort starting from Infra, security to KPIS&Dashboard